Notice: Due to a server issue on May 1, the database was reloaded from a backup. Please check your data. Apologies for any inconvenience.

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Breedbase/Cassavabase Webinar
A Cassavabase Webinar will be given on Wednesday, March 23, at 8am EST, 12:00 GMT, 13:00 WAT/CET and 15:00 EAT. Zoom Link. Topics will also be relevant to Musabase users.
Manage product profiles on the site! Each breeding program can define product profiles on the respective breeding program manage page. [Nov 1, 2020]
A tool for calculating mixed models is now available. [Nov 1, 2020]
25 million Ugandans rely on Matooke cultivation, interview Breeding Better Banana project leaders on NBS TV channel. [April 27, 2017]
Featured Publication

Featured Publication

Moses Nyine, Brigitte Uwimana, Nicolas Blavet, Eva Hribova, Helena Vanrespaille, Michael Batte, Violet Akech, Allan Brown, Jim Lorenzen, Rony Swennend and Jaroslav Dolezel. PLant genome March 2, 2018 doi:10.3835/plantgenome2017.10.0090

The BreedBase workshop at PAG 30 will be held at:
Venue: Palm 7
Time: Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023, 10:30 am - 12:40 pm
See all events...
The Banana tracking tool dashboard (requires login)
Breeding Better Bananas Project
Project website
Southgreen Banana Genome Hub
Database for musa genomes and genomics
Musa germplasm database
Promusa: Mobilizing banana science for sustainable livelihoods
Farm Radio
ULIZA (ask in Swahili) is an interactive platform for farmers
IITA banana program
IITA banana and plantain research program
Ugandan banana research portal
National Banana research program for improved food security and and house hold income
Product profiles
Banana Product Profiles for Matooke and Mchare
Int'l Society for Tropical Root Crops

Banana Pests and Diseases Handbook
Altus Viljoen, Editor. PDF

Genomic selection course
Jose Crossa. Documentation
Tutorial videos
Delphine Amah et al. Videos

Recent Changes to Database